Annual Trivia Night
Spring 2019 Date TBD
Peachtree Banquet Center
Individual Tickets: $30 on Eventbrite or $35 at the Door
Tables: $250/Table of 10 People
What is a trivia night? What happens? How does it work?
Trivia Night is is a biggest night of the year for Columbia Montessori School. With the help of our families and community donations, the school hosts an evening filled with fun trivia, amazing silent auction items (really, the best), good food and drinks, lots of laughter and all for a good cause -- Columbia Montessori School. There will be rounds of trivia leading up to a prize winning table. In between the rounds of trivia, the guest can mingle, bid on silent auction items, grab a bit to eat, or grab a wonderful a drink (cash bar).
What should I wear?
Wear what's comfortable. There are usually lots of denim, chinos, dresses, and such. Somewhere between casual and date night, not as far as black tie and not beachwear.
What should I bring?
Yourself, your friends, and some cash. There will be opportunities to purchase mulligans (see below) and participate in some events where cash will be beneficial. If you win any of the auction items, you may pay with cash, check, or credit card.
What time should I get there?
The doors open at 6:30 and the trivia starts at 7:00 and the auction is throughout the night.
What if I'm not good at Jeopardy? Will this still be fun?
Yes, it will be lots of fun. It's been proven. The trivia is not like Jeopardy trivia and usually hits across lots of topics. Yes, again, lots of fun. Also, there will be an option to purchase mulligans -- mulligans can be used to make up for questions not known. Just put a mulligan sticker in the spot where your answer would be. One mulligan per round.
Is there food + drink?
Yes, there is a wonderful buffet of hors d'oeuvres and some yummy deserts. There is also a cash bar.
I plan to attend, but what else can I do to help?
Well, get your tickets soon, or better yet... gather friends and get a full table. Single-purchased tables will be combined into full tables. Study up on your trivia, just kidding -- no studying required. Some people take it seriously and some not -- so, no matter, what a good time will be had. You can also contribute a silent auction item. Maybe you, or someone you know, offers wonderful products, services, or other that you think would be great. Another way that you can help is by contributing items to the themed classroom baskets. These items and gift certificates will be a part of the silent auction, and a wonderful addition to the auction.